Saturday, April 08, 2006

Erik Erikkson

Dressed like a brief authority - would never be more but was in constant danger of becoming less; and who had sold the birthright of a free man for an official title or a life pension.

Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have the integrity not to fear death.

There is another, more fundamental danger, namely man's restriction of himself and constriction of his horizons to include only his work to which, so the Book says, he has been sentenced to after his expulsion from paradise. If he accepts work as his only obligation, and 'what works' as his only criterion of worthwhileness, he may become the conformist and thoughtless slave of his technology and of those who are in a position to exploit it.

A kind of adult who has betrayed youth and idealism, and has sought refuge in petty and servile kind of conservatism.

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